Saturday, November 21, 2009


Oh please............................................................................

You have been filling up all the empty spaces in the DS, library, concourse, cafe, and even the hallway. Oh why are you here in a big group with annoying attitudes? You are no better than anyone else. Oh please, this place is getting crowded. And I see more of YOU everywhere, even in the toilet. Don't wear your smiles and pretending that you are naive and sweet and sugary nice. You are evil. This is place is already a hell. Why do you have to make things even worse by adding your presence even in the tiny KOOP? And when you screwed your math test, getting 10/100 you cried like tomorrow will be the judgement day. Everyone fails math. And now you will be taking MATH SL??? If this words are true, then I shall call you (plural) sissy...

Terima kasih syazana dan irma atas nyanyian dan hula dance semalam.


manul said...

you saw me in the toilet, sarah? :D

sarah said...

sorta.. aku mengendap:)s

manul said...

out of all the people, why me? :)