Monday, June 18, 2012


Currently thinking of revamping my closet which will officially take place after I come back to Canada from summer break. But here are the tricky parts:

1. I need clothes; jeans, pants, shirt, tshirts, scarves, jackets (fall/winter), hoodies (for the lazy time), gloves
2. I need clothes; hiking pants, my torn-out jean which was a good idea to bring it all the way from Malaysia,
    t-shirts, hoodies, jacket and rain pants, scarves, gloves. Take note this really depends on the place I'll be
    heading to and the weather. Ain't gonna need no rain jacket or winter jacket if I'm going to Sahara.
3. I need clothes for formal events ie: graduation, presentation, meeting or formal meet-and-greet and any
    events that require formality.

What I'm going to do is save a lotta money, get the cheapest stuff I can find in Malaysia and they have to be nice and easy to wear. Once I come back to Canada, I'll get more stuff and start my closet re-vamp-a-tion. That's the name of the operation. I'm truly excited for this and hopefully Ahnaf will at least say yay to clothes
that I'm going to buy.

ps: I'm not a camwhore for sure but can I take a picture of myself without looking like one ugly b****?

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