Monday, January 5, 2009

A World of Its Own

Entering a new year, I have to stop and hesitate. It's time for me to grow and be matured and childishness is prohibited. A NO-NO. But being Sarah 'Ainaa, people around me are always assuming that I'm 17 this year. Am I? Haha.... I must keep it confidential.

On my way home, mom gave me a long lecture about responsibility. Another lecture and I can't remember the last time she gave me one. Hm.. maybe that's the reason of me being too laid back last year. Duh.. Growing up is tough

Now, I have a CONCRETE reason to despise KMB as much as my heart desires. I lost my handphone. My Sony Ericsson Z555i was stolen. Shit... I really, really love that sexy, black, sleek, diamond-feature gadget. Oh Sleeky..

Okay, listen. I'm neither the baddest or the most immoral person ever born but being a normal creature who makes decisions based on mind and emotions(I'm so irrational sometimes), I spent half of my dark day cursing the perpetrator. I bet u will do the same. Duh.. Oh, I cried like every time I saw and heard about cellphone. Bohoo...

I wish to finish my IB as soon as possible, though it's ONLY a dream since I don't want to lose any precious, hundreds ringgit of valuable materials in this so-called world school. What a shock to find a place of such standard has a population of students with degraded ethics and behaviours. Hmm...

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