Friday, February 8, 2013


Snowstorm in Canada today.

UofT St. George has the reputation of being a 'stubborn' school. Despite of heavy snowfall that forced schools and offices to be closed, UofT said no. As long as the students and staffs can walk in the snow, the school will stay open. 

Finally, the school will be closed at 3 today due to heavy snowfall that brings from 30-40cm of snow. Hurrahhhh! I don't have class today, but I'm still happy for my friends because going to class in this kinda weather is a battle. 

How do I enjoy the view from my window? 
Put on Oscar-winning songs playlist from Songza (an itunes app), do my assignment and sing as loud as my heart contents with an imaginary orchestra playing the musical arrangement in my head. Or you can also play 30's,40's or 50's songs and you will have the perfect mood to enjoy the winter.

ps: Songza is playing Dinah Shore, Baby It's Cold Outside. What are the odds?:)

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